DIY Beard Oil Recipes | How to Craft Your Own DIY Beard Oil

DIY Beard Oil Recipes | How to Craft Your Own DIY Beard Oil

DIY Beard Oil Recipes

For some people, having a beard is an identity marker and a source of pride. There are duties involved with maintaining a badass beard. 

Using beard care products for routine upkeep and care is one of those duties.

Additionally, if you use some of those treatments frequently, like beard oil, they might grow pricey.

Remain calm. The good news is here. Beard oil can be made at home for a fraction of the cost of store-bought products if you’re ready to put in the work. And we’ll demonstrate how in this article.

Continue reading to learn how to make beard oil, along with suggestions for ingredients and DIY beard oil recipes from the Mission Beard crew.

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Key Takeaways | DIY Beard Oil Recipes

  • Choose the Right Carrier Oils: Select carrier oils based on your skin type and desired benefits, such as jojoba oil for hydration or argan oil for softening.
  • Pick Complementary Essential Oils: Pair essential oils with scents that complement each other and provide additional benefits like tea tree oil for its antibacterial properties.
  • Prepare Your Supplies: Gather all necessary ingredients and tools before starting to ensure a smooth DIY beard oil-making process.
  • Follow the Steps Carefully: Create your beard oil following a step-by-step guide to ensure the right proportions and effective blending of oils.
  • Personalize Your Blend: Customize your beard oil by adjusting the ratios of carrier and essential oils to suit your preferences and skin needs.
  • Apply and Store Wisely: Apply beard oil by massaging it into your beard and skin, then store it in a cool, dark place to maintain its quality and effectiveness.

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Understanding Carrier Oils

Best Oils

Jojoba oil: Known for its similarity to the skin’s natural oils, jojoba oil is excellent for moisturizing and conditioning beards without leaving a greasy residue.

Argan oil: Rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants, argan oil helps soften and add shine to the beard while promoting healthy hair growth.

Coconut oil: With its high lauric acid content, coconut oil deeply nourishes the beard, preventing breakage and split ends.


  • Moisturizing: Carrier oils like jojoba and argan oil hydrate the skin beneath the beard, reducing itchiness and dryness.
  • Nourishing: Coconut oil strengthens hair follicles, promoting thicker and healthier beard growth.
  • Conditioning: Regular use of carrier oils keeps the beard soft, smooth, and more manageable.

Recommended Ratios

  1. For a basic blend:
    • 2 parts jojoba oil
    • 1 part argan oil
    • 1 part coconut oil
  2. Adjust ratios based on personal preferences:
    • Increase argan oil for added shine.
    • More coconut oil for extra conditioning benefits.

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Selecting Essential Oils

Top Picks

When it comes to essential oils for beard oil recipes, consider sandalwood, known for its rich and warm scent. Another great option is citrus oils, such as lemon or orange, which provide a refreshing aroma.

Benefits Galore

Sandalwood offers not just a pleasant fragrance but also has antioxidant properties, making it ideal for promoting healthy skin underneath the beard. On the other hand, citrus oils are excellent for their ability to cleanse pores and provide a burst of freshness.

Custom Blends

Creating your own blend of essential oils allows you to tailor the scent profile to your preferences. For a woodsy aroma, combine sandalwood with cedarwood. To add a hint of freshness, mix citrus oils like lemon with a touch of lavender.

Dos and Don’ts

  • Do experiment with different combinations to find the perfect scent that suits you.
  • Don’t use too many drops of essential oils as they are highly concentrated; start with just a few drops and adjust according to your preference.

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Gathering DIY Beard Oil Recipes Supplies

Essential Ingredients

To start creating DIY beard oil, gather essential supplies like carrier oils and essential oils. Look for beard needs such as jojoba, argan, or coconut oils.

Carrier oils provide the base for the beard oil, while essential oils add fragrance and extra benefits. Purchase high-quality oils from reputable suppliers to ensure effectiveness.

Choosing Containers

When making DIY beard oil, it’s crucial to use glass containers for storage. Glass helps preserve the integrity of the oils by preventing contamination and exposure to light.

Glass containers also maintain the potency of the essential oils, ensuring that your homemade beard oil remains fresh and effective over time.

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Step-by-Step Beard Oil Creation

Blending Process

To create your beard oil recipe, start by selecting a carrier oil like jojoba or argan oil. These oils provide the base for your beard oil and offer nourishment to both the hair and skin. Next, choose essential oils such as cedarwood or peppermint for their fragrance and additional benefits.

Ensure you blend the carrier and essential oils in the correct proportions. Generally, a 3:1 ratio of carrier to essential oils works well, but you can adjust this based on your preferences. Use a glass dropper bottle for mixing to prevent any reactions with plastic containers.

Once you’ve combined the oils, shake the bottle gently to mix them thoroughly. Let the blend sit for at least 24 hours before using it to allow the scents to meld together effectively.

Quality Assurance Tips

Maintaining the quality of your DIY beard oil is crucial for its effectiveness. Store your finished product in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight to prevent degradation of the oils. Ensure that the bottle is sealed tightly to avoid any leakage or contamination.

Labeling your beard oil bottles with the ingredients and creation date is essential for tracking their freshness. Oils have varying shelf lives, so noting when you made each batch helps you use them before they lose potency.

Regularly check your beard oil for any changes in color or scent, which could indicate spoilage. If you notice any unusual alterations, it’s best to discard the oil and create a fresh batch following proper hygiene practices.

Longevity Considerations

To extend the lifespan of your beard oil recipes, consider adding vitamin E oil as an antioxidant to prevent rancidity. Vitamin E not only helps preserve the oils but also offers benefits for skin health and hair growth.

Experiment with different combinations of carrier and essential oils to find what works best for your beard type and personal preferences. Customizing your blends allows you to tailor the scent and effects of the beard oil to suit your individual needs.

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Customizing Your Beard Oil Blend

Experimenting with Combinations

Customize your beard oil blend by experimenting with various combinations of carrier oils like avocado oil and different essential oils to achieve the perfect mix. Try blending a woodsy essential oil like cedarwood with a hint of citrus for a refreshing scent.

Try mixing different carrier oils such as jojoba, argan, and sweet almond to find the right balance for your skin type. Adjust the ratios of each oil in your mixture to create a blend that offers both nourishment and a pleasant aroma.

Creating Signature Scents

Develop a unique blend by playing around with the proportions of different oils in your mixture. Increase the amount of avocado oil for added shine or incorporate oils known for their specific skin benefits, such as tea tree oil for its antibacterial properties.

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Applying Beard Oil Correctly


Massaging beard oil into your skin and facial hair promotes hair growth and prevents ingrown hairs. It also helps combat dry skin and acne, leaving your face feeling fresh.

Beard oil application not only nourishes the hair but also moisturizes the underlying skin, keeping it healthy and hydrated. By massaging the oil gently into your beard, you stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles, promoting stronger and healthier hair growth.


When applying beard oil, start by dispensing a few drops onto your palms. Rub your hands together to distribute the oil evenly before running your fingers through your beard, ensuring that every strand is coated.

To ensure even distribution of the oil, use a comb or brush to work the product through your beard thoroughly. This technique helps prevent patchiness and ensures that each hair receives the necessary nourishment.


  • Customize your beard oil blend according to your needs for optimal results.
  • Apply beard oil after showering when your pores are open for better absorption.
  • Avoid using too much oil as it can make your beard appear greasy.

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Storing Your Beard Oil Properly

Proper Storage

To maintain the shelf life of your homemade beard oil, store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. This helps preserve the quality and effectiveness of the oil for a long time. Avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures that could alter its composition.

Ideal Containers

Choose dark glass bottles to store your beard oil as they help protect it from light exposure. Amber or cobalt blue bottles are excellent choices as they prevent UV rays from degrading the oil. Ensure the containers are tightly sealed to prevent air and moisture from entering, which can lead to rancidity.

Extending Shelf Life

To extend the shelf life of your DIY beard oil recipes, consider adding natural antioxidants like vitamin E or rosemary extract. These ingredients not only help prolong the freshness of the oil but also provide additional benefits for your skin and facial hair. Regularly checking for any changes in scent or consistency can indicate if the oil has gone bad.

Maintenance Tips

Rotate your beard oils regularly by using older batches first to ensure you consume them before they expire. This practice helps you make the most out of your creations while ensuring you always have fresh batches on hand. Following reputable steward posts online can provide valuable insights into proper storage techniques and tips for maintaining homemade products.

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Benefits of Homemade Beard Oil

Health Benefits

Creating your own beard oil allows you to tailor the ingredients to suit your skin’s specific needs.
Natural oils like jojoba and argan can promote healthy beard growth and prevent dry, itchy skin.

Cost-Effective Option

Homemade beard oil is a budget-friendly alternative to expensive commercial products.
You can purchase ingredients in bulk, reducing the cost per batch significantly.

Natural Ingredients

By making your own beard oil, you ensure that only natural ingredients touch your skin.
This eliminates exposure to harsh chemicals often found in store-bought products.

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Summary | DIY Beard Oil Recipes

You’ve learned how to create your custom DIY beard oil recipes, selecting the right carrier and essential oils, blending them to perfection, and reaping the benefits of a nourished beard. By understanding the properties of different oils, you can tailor your blend to suit your skin and hair needs. Remember to store your homemade beard oil correctly to maintain its effectiveness. Now it’s time to enjoy a well-groomed beard that not only looks great but also feels fantastic.

Take action now and start experimenting with various carrier and essential oils to find the perfect combination for your beard. Your beard will thank you for the care and attention you put into crafting your unique blend. Elevate your grooming routine with a personalized touch that showcases your style and keeps your facial hair healthy and vibrant.

FAQs | DIY Beard Oil Recipes

Is it safe to use homemade beard oil?

Yes, homemade beard oil is safe to use as long as you are not allergic to any of the ingredients used. Always do a patch test before applying it to your beard.

Can I customize the scent of my DIY beard oil with a woodsy aroma?

Absolutely! One of the benefits of making your own beard oil is the ability to customize the scent by choosing different essential oils according to your preference.

How often should I apply beard oil?

For best results, apply beard oil daily after showering or washing your face. Adjust the frequency based on your beard’s length and personal preference.

How long does homemade beard oil last?

When stored properly in a cool, dark place away from sunlight and heat, homemade beard oil can last up to 6-12 months. Check for any changes in smell or consistency before use.

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